One by one, remove recently downloaded apps. Learn how to delete apps. After ea ch removal, restart your phone normally. See whether removing that app solved the problem. After you remove the app that caused the problem, you can add back the other apps that you removed. Learn how to reinstall apps. · The problem is probably a corrupt cache and all you need to do is clear it. Go to Settings Applications All Apps Google Play Store Storage and select Clear Cache.
Answer (1 of 4): I will be explaining in short here, as to avoid complexities underneath and make it as simple as possible. It depends on the apps and also RAM usage. The app developers are aware that users will minimize and when they do come back to foreground again they wants the latest data o. Apps will not update. On your device, tap the Play Store app. Tap Menu (upper left) My apps games. Tap Update next to the desired app. You can also select Update All. Wait for the app to update. Restart the device, and test if the app is functioning correctly. If the issue persists, follow Play Store issues below. By default, Android does not allow you to set global DNS. You can solve this issue by using a handy app called DNS Changer, which allows you to easily switch your DNS to one of the following.
Why You Shouldn't Close Apps on Android. Many factors prove that it is counterproductive for you to regularly close apps on Android. Let's look at a list of those factors in detail and debunk some performance-related myths along the way. 1. Closing Android Apps Doesn't Increase Your Phone's Battery Life. Android now optimizes apps so they won’t drain the battery as much. For example, your email app can still run in the background, checking for updates, but it does so less frequently. If you have a bug in the app you are using, the bug may end up causing the automatic closing of the app. Fixing bugged apps is primarily in the hands of the app developer. Make sure you keep your apps updated to fix any bugs in them.