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Motor Control, 5th Edition remains the only book available that bridges the gap between current and emerging motor control research and its application to clinical practice. Written by leading experts in the field, this now classic resource prepares readers to effectively examine and treat patients with problems related to postural control, mobility, and upper extremity function using today. Motor control: translating research into clinical practice , Lippincott Williams Wilkins Download for print-disabled Libraries near you: WorldCat. 2. Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice July 1, , Lippincott Williams Wilkins Hardcover in English - 3 edition Download catalog record. Motor Control is the only text to bridge the gap between current motor control research and its applications to clinical practice. It gives you a full arsenal of best-evidence tools and information to examine, diagnose, and treat patients who have problems with balance, mobility, and upper extremity function. After a review of the latest theories of motor control, motor learning, and recovery.
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